Plastic Bag Free Victoria

We need the Victorian Government to take action by passing legislation to ban plastic bags in Victoria. To do this we need your help

  • Plastic bags are the fifth most littered item in Victoria.

  • Plastics break down into smaller plastic pieces and never leave the ecosystem.

  • By taking reusable bags to the supermarket, refusing plastic bags or using a box,  Victorians can save over a billion plastic bags each year.

Say YES to Plastic Bag Free Victoria!


Woolworths to phase out plastic bags around the country.

We see this as a pivotal point in our campaign to ban limited use plastic bags here in Victoria and in Australia more generally.

Retailers have listenes to their customers and are taking action where the state government has stalled. 

On Thursday 8 June, 2017 the report from the state inquiry into the bill to ban plastic bags, microbeads and excess plastic packaging in Victoria was tabled.

Despite having more than six months, a 11,600 physical signature petition, a 150,000 online signature petition, a federal senate inquiry, five other states and territories to learn from, 2872 public submissions and two days of public hearings the members of the Environment and Planning Committee have handed down an incredibly disappointing conclusion.

That "the Committee is not in a position to fully assess the Bill’s impact on communities, families, individuals, businesses and the environment in its current form." It has recommended that "the government undertake a formal assessment of the impact of the Bill on communities, families, individuals, businesses and the environment."

We were left dumbfounded on how a group of politicians would require any more information to hand down a decision. 

We are proud to be part of a huge community of concerned citizens who continued to campaign and demand our politicians to take action on the issues of single-use waste and plastic, and hope that today is the start of wider awareness efforts to reduce our impact on the environment.

Together we can call on the Government to Stop Bagging Victoria

Email us for information on how your organisation can support a Plastic Bag Free Victoria